Is my track light a Juno Track Lighting or Juno Compatible?

The Juno Lighting Track / JT system is known as 2 wire-wide single circuit system. If you look at the track itself, it should have one strip of wire on each side.

On the back of the track light junction plate, there should have one clip terminals on each side. The maximum distance between two strips from side to side should be just shy of 1" or 15/16". Please see the photo on the left.

Trac-Master™ vs Trac-Lites™

Both Juno Trac-Master™ and Trac-Lites™ are interchangeable. Trac-Lites is the economical choice, whereas Trac-Masters provides more selections. Here is our collection of Juno Track Lighting.

Juno Compatible Track Lights

you can substitute Juno track lights by Juno Compatible Track Lights. J Type Track lights or JT system stand for Juno Compatible track system.

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